Friday, May 8, 2009

Ella Kate's Poppi Had A Farm. E-I-E-I-O

This is our version of Old McDonald. On Poppi's farm, he has some cows, goats, bees, ants and rocks!

While we had grand visions of EK visiting the family farm, playing with the animals and running free, we quickly learned that a very sassy 16 month old isn't quite ready to listen to instructions with such excitement around. Something else Ella Kate's Poppi has on his farm? T-R-O-U-B-L-E. You might not know it from the pictures, but she was a nightmare toddler 98% of the time we were there.

And, after ignoring Mommy's 15 warnings about running on rocks, she enjoyed her first skinned knee. E-I-E-I-Ouch.

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