Sunday, September 28, 2008

What We Learned This Weekend...

1. Professionals commission fees for a reason. I realize why painters can charge mucho dinero for their services: it takes freakin' forever and is a messy business.

2. Ridiculous football gimmicks don't work. Blackout, Schmackout, Georgia! Roll Tide!

3. It's difficult to run errands with no gas, thanks to the massive fuel shortage in the southeast.

4. My daughter is much like me. Neither of us can be still for very long. Easily bored and equally demanding.

5. Even planning to move in a year is overly stressful.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Richard happily turns 29 today. We're both officially pushing 30 now. Welcome to the club, sweetie!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thankful For What Is...

While this blog is dedicated to our life with Ella Kate, I think it's important to acknowledge that she is only with us because we have an angel baby. Today, would have been our angel's first birthday.

Everything happens for a reason, although I'm the first in line to complain when it's unpleasant. We have to trust that there is a greater design to our lives and that things will work out for the best.

It truly is a miracle that Ella Kate joined us as quickly as she did. Instead of having a 1 year old, we have a beautiful, smart, bubbly 9 month old. I learned a lot about life and myself in those short 3 months. Parents are rarely blessed with another pregnancy so quickly - and we were blessed with an extraordinary child.

So, today is bittersweet. I wonder about what could have been, but am so very thankful for what is.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why We Love Daddy

It's not a secret that working moms have a tough gig. I can attest to it. I often complain about being stretched too thin, but the truth is, I love it. I have the best of all worlds. But, during my complaining periods, my sweet husband listens, hugs me, and reminds me that things will slow down.

Ella Kate and I sometimes forget that Daddy is stretched even thinner. He works full time as a television director AND goes to school full time earning his MBA. And, he finds time for baths, playtime and to change a few diapers. He doesn't complain, arranges his study time around family time, and calls home a zillion times a day to check on us. In fact, just today he surprised me at work with a lunch date because he actually had two free hours. He drove 20 miles out of the way to take me to lunch.

That's what I call a SuperDad!

My New Favorite Photo

Richard and Ella Kate have special bonding time during baths. I forget how fast she is these days. No sooner than I had her naked, she climbed up the side of the tub and was helping Daddy fill the bathtub. I think that this very moment hit me with the realization that Ella Kate is no longer an infant. She's a little person who is exploring her world with reckless abandon. I'm so very proud of our little family.

And, because I'm sure Richard won't be happy that I'm posting a picture of his backside to the Web, here's another picture from earlier in the night. Ella Kate looks a bit weirded out by the flash, but it's a rare moment with Daddy and all three girls.

Monday, September 15, 2008

9-Month Checkup

Miss Sassafrass is officially happy, healthy and wise! She's actually lost weight since she sprints everywhere she goes.
Weight: 21.5 pounds
Height: 28.24 inches

I lost our friendly family wager. I guessed that she was 24 lbs, Richard said 22. He won.

She's officially pacifier free, which didn't go over well at naptime today. Although, she fell straight asleep for me tonight. But, to be fair, I did find a pacifier in her mouth when I checked on her two hours later. She must have stashed a paci under her crib bumpers in preparation for today. I let her keep it - just until our crib rail teething guard comes tomorrow. I have to think of the overall health of the crib. Without the paci, I fear it would look like a beaver attacked it.

We start table food tomorrow, which means she eats what we eat. Sadly, that's bad news for me since I now have to start cooking.

She's ahead of her intelligence milestones - she can consistently say almost 10 words, when she's really only supposed to know about two. That's my girl. A little talker.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where did the last 9 months go?

And why didn't they take at least 20 of my unwanted "baby" pounds with them?

Happy 9-month birthday Ella Kate (one day late). You make Mommy so proud!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Penelope Pullen, Our PerPETual babysitter

If you have ever been bored and scrolled through photographs taken in our house, you probably noticed one sweet addition many Ella Kate shots: Miss Penelope.

From the moment we brought EK home, Penelope has been her little dog. Tummy time? Penelope laid beside her on the edge of the playmat. She loves for Ella Kate to tug on her ears, she thinks she's being petted. She walks along beside EK as she crawls. She always just in the periphery - ready in the event the baby needs her.

Penelope has the absolute sweetest personality and loves her people. Ella Kate is lucky to get to grow up with such a loving, protective guardian. Piper likes the baby, too, but isn't quite so free-flowing with her love. :)

Week 3: The first time she jumped on the furniture was to sit beside Ella Kate. You can see the baby's arm - kinda.

The baby's crying - she goes over to try to calm her down.

Laying just beyond the playmat. When I wasn't looking, I'd find her trying to snuggle next to Ella Kate. After a few spankings, she remembered to lay just off the mat.

Reaching in for the ear grab. You'd think Penelope would run away. She never has.

Mom's not looking, she'll steal a quick kiss.

Just in case Ella Kate needs her and Mr. Moo decides to attack. - she's there.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Roll Tide, Baby

Ella Kate is Bama's lucky charm. She's been in the outside world for two games, and we are 2-0.

This past weekend was TONS of fun at the Lowery-Pullen house. We had friends visiting from Birmingham and Charleston as well as Poppi, Gigi and Aunt Sara for the Bama/Clemson played in Atlanta.

Bama looked absolutely fantastic, which historically, has proven to be the kiss of death for the rest of the season. But, this year we have Ella Kate for a full season.

A few pictures of revelry leading up to the game:

Ella Kate and Daddy before heading to school on Friday. Her playschool asked everyone to dress up in their favorite team gear. Ella Kate was more than representing in her Bama cheerleader outfit.

Ella Kate had two signs at ESPN GameDay: "Ella Kate says Roll Tide" and "Baby's First Bama Game." Had my big black marker not run out, she one had have another sign that read, "Baby's First Clemson Choke." It would have proven to be prophetic. The sign also doubled as a quick snack.

Daddy and Ella Kate while we wait on Corso to put the silly mascot on his head. He chose Clemson, so we knew things were looking up!

One thing we learned about the baby: she gets a huge red face when she gets hot! Just like her Mom, Gigi and Mimmie. :) She was a trooper during ESPN GameDay. I've never seen a more well-behaved little girl in such heat.

A crowd shot of some friends visiting for the game. Yes, two of them were Clemson fans. Leslie, Shaun, Brad looking oddly at the camera, Richard & Ella Kate

Ella Kate fell in love with Aunt Shannon (and her necklace!)