Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nashville Bound!

Yes, it will be a logistical nightmare. Yes, we discussed it at length for weeks. Yes, the three of us will temporarily reside in three different states.

But it feels right!

I start a brand-new job in Nashville on July 6. Richard will continue working and finishing up school. Ella Kate will hang out with Poppi, Gigi and Sara for a few weeks until the dust settles. She wouldn't like hotel living.

I'm so thankful for Richard, who understands my obsessive-compulsive desire to
A) be successful in my career, and
B) love that career and feel like what I do matters.

Even if that means picking up and moving to another state. A state famous for the type of music he hates most. That is swimming with the color he hates most. That's love!

Wish us luck!

The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards. -Paul Bear Bryant


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Yes, our prayers are answered in various ways. Some are answered in ways that we, with our "puny minds", would never have imagined.

Hang in there, and don't get too stressed out!

Deborah said...

Congratulations Allison! We love you girl.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job!!! Let me know if there is anything we can do to help from arkansas. Maybe I can atleast send you some BOG's since you are going to be living in a hotel :)

Love ya'll
