Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Very Important Milestone That I Forgot To Blog About...

Richard's offically an MBA! He finished classes last summer, but went through his graduation ceremony in December. We're all ridiculously proud of him - going to school full time while working full time, too. It wasn't easy (for any of us), but it's a huge accomplishment!

So, now, if anyone in or around the Nashville area is looking for a new MBA in International Business and Organizational Management with a BA in Communications and Information Sciences, you know how to reach me. :)

Awaiting the graduate luncheon. Yes, all the graduates really ate in their regalia.

In the graduation line. That's Richard calling his shot.

Two and a half years, $20,000, and lots of hard work lead up this exact moment...

The good news is that as of next month, OUR MBA will be officially paid for. Now we just need to tackle his undergraduate loan...

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