Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th Just Plain Stinks

I'm not usually superstitious, but I did realize that today was Friday the 13th. I didn't think much about and went about my day.

Turns out today is, indeed, unlucky for me. I bought a digital camera during lunch. It wasn't overly expensive, but my debit card wouldn't work. Why you ask? Because some jerk in Oak Park, Illinois, stole my debit card number and has been trying to use it all over the town. Thankfully, Bank of America caught it and the lowlife scum never succeeded.

I'm teaching my daughter to share, to love, to be honest, and to do the right thing. Someone's mom in Illinois didn't share my morals.

This fiasco made me think about how trusting we are with our bank and credit information. How often do we hand over our cards to a waiter who takes it to the back to charge it? He could easily write down the number and use it or sell it. Think about all the people who have your checking account number - every single check has the account number plastered along the bottom.


But, the baby understood my frustration and gave me a WONDERFUL day. We're getting over ear infections and colds while learning to manage her silent reflux. She was an angel all day. What a blessing. :)

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