About a month ago, we switched daycares for a variety of reasons. Her previous daycare was fantastic, but for some reason she wasn't happy there. She got bad report cards almost every day. Toward the end, they didn't even try to find ways to put positive spins on it.
So, I thought I owed it to her to find somewhere that made her happy.
Boy, did we ever find it!!!
Our new joint is lightyears beyond my wildest dreams. There are two teachers and only TWO babies. Another little girl starts on Monday, but 2:3 is better than I ever hoped. Heck, 2:6 was what we were hoping for. We've been so blessed to have found it.
During the day, her teachers take them out for strolls and walks around the church and outside. They go visit the older classrooms. And, the older kids learning to read come and read stories to the babies. I think I'm in love.
The best part is that they say she only cries when she's hungry. Momma's happy.
You deserved to find a good fit for her. She is such a precious thing - it's about time you were told that daily! Btw, we are at a baptist church and Moseley LOVES it. I think they love on him a ton and that makes a difference.
I am glad she is still loving it. I was there on her first day, lets not forget! :)
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