Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another political post

Richard has been very, very, very interested in the primaries and campaign tactics of the Democratic party. We vote to the right, but mainly because of our fiscal leanings. We are very much moderate and slightly liberal other than on the topic of money. We earn it, we think we should keep it.

Yet I digress...

Watching the news tonight, I saw that Chelsea Clinton finally grew a pair, but might have hurt her mother's campaign by not thinking before she spoke. At a university campus rally, someone in the crowd asked if she thought the Lewinsky scandal hurt her mother's credibility. Her response? Paraphrasing: "Out of the 70+ campuses I've visited, that is the first time anyone's ever asked that. And, frankly, it's absolutely none of your business."

Okay, Chelsea. I understand protecting your mom. I understand that you were embarrassed by your father as a teenager and the unfortunate events seem to follow you. But, the question was valid and you didn't listen to it. You heard "Lewinsky" and jumped to conclusions. The question really was: do you think the scandal hurt your mom's credibility as a candidate. It is linked directly to the campaign, and to her ability to handle turmoil and controversy as the president of the United States. Personally, I'd like to know the answer. Because I don't think she could handle the presidency. Your answer certainly fueled my opinion.

Ella Kate, if you read this as an adult, please remember to pause and think before you speak. Especially if your mommy is running all over the country covering her tail for lying about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. I'll have enough to worry about.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Ella Kate's first Easter was great! Granted, she didn't know why we got her all dressed up in pearls and took so many pictures, but it was an overall fun day. Maybe next year she'll be a bit more aware of what's happening. We even got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny at church.

She fussed during church, so Daddy took her to the nursery, but couldn't leave her in there all alone. He sat and played with the kids until time for communion.

Titi Coco (Aunt Edna to the non Puerto Ricans) spent the day with us and helped us play a strong zone defense against the tired and cranky Ella Kate.

Ella Kate's first Easter Basket

Wating to head to church

Daddy and Ella Kate. She's wearing Titi Ica's pearl bracelet!

See that white bundle Titi Coco is holding? That's the baby. It was cold and windy! So much for great first Easter pictures.

The first Easter Bunny picture. She did at least give him a sweet smile!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh and by the way...

Happy 30th birthday Titi Ica (or Aunt Josette)!

Happy 60th birthday Aunt Ann!

The Tax Man Cometh

And the tax man taketh away.

Once again, I'm disgusted by our tax system. Should we have tried to hide more money from the government? Probably. But, you'd think having a child and a year's worth of mortgage interest would allow us to at least break even with Uncle Sam. Not so much.

I hate the fact that my money goes to government programs I don't agree with. I hate the fact that different income levels are taxed at different rates. Should someone who makes more money pay more taxes? Absolutely. Should they pay more at a higher percentage rate? NO!

What is the incentive to work hard, pull yourself up from the bootstraps, put yourself through college and graduate school, and bust your ass in your career to get ahead? Well, as far as the government's concerned, you earn the privalege of paying not only your share of taxes, but also the taxes of folks who just don't want to get a job because life's just too cushy. There is something seriously wrong with that. Seriously wrong.

Repeat after me: FAIR TAX NOW!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Tricks

Ella Kate is always surprising with a new trick. She's learned the art of "conversation" - babbling when we ask her a question. So cute!

She can proudly fit one and a half hands in her mouth and she can roll from her back to her front. She's a smiley bug and is getting so close to laughing.

At 3 months and five days, she weighed in at 12 pounds 10 ounces (with a very wet diaper...).

Friday, March 14, 2008

The plague strikes again

At Richard's insistance, I took Ella Kate to the doctor this afternoon. Really, we just wanted to know she was on the mend. Turns out, we've hit another plague set back.

She has ear infections in both ears, and RSV, a lower respiratory infection she caught at daycare. Freakin' daycare. It is the bane of my existance these days. Anyone out there want to be a noon-5pm nanny?

So, the pediatrician gave me the option of putting her in the hospital for monitoring, or watching her at home. We'll stay home, thank you very much. Turns out, almost all kids will get RSV by the time they are two. The severity of it depends on how mature their immune system is when they get it. Ella Kate is three months - not much time to mature. Sigh...

Please send us lots of prayers and positive thoughts! We need it at our house!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Day at Daycare: suffering from stuffiness

Poor baby girl has been sick for weeks. I personally don't mind being sick as much anymore - I just can't stand seeing her not feeling well. Nothing makes me feel worse than not being able to help her. Infants' Tylenol only does so much...

Apparently all the kids at daycare have been passing around the baby plague. When I picked her up this afternoon, only 3 babies were there and they were all passed out because they had kept their parents Up. All. Night. coughing, snorting, and crying. So sad.

On the bright side! We got her Bumbo chair today and Tivo'ed several episodes of Sesame Street. It's looking like a fun night at the Pullen household. :D

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Christening date set!

We've finally chosen, and agreed to, a Christening date for Ella Kate. It's been one hurdle after another with coordinating travel dates, my cousin planning his wedding for the same weekend, television sweeps, etc. But, it's done and I feel great about it.

So, if you are in or around the Atlanta area the weekend of June 8, please stop by St. Philip's Episcopal Cathedral in Buckhead. It's the dioscese-wide Baptism/Confirmation event, so it should be lots of fun!

Now I get to shop for a fantastic Christening gown!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Three months of parental bliss

Well, Ella Kate has been with us for three months and she's still in one piece! I think it's fair to say that Richard and I have grown up A LOT and have learned A LOT in the past few months. She is quite a little teacher. And, she's expensive! We spent last night taking a close look at the ol' family budget. ;)

Oh, how I miss the days of carefree spending - massages, daily lunches out, mani/pedis every week. Then she looks at me and smiles and I'd rather save for a college fund...

Here are a few pictures of Ella Kate's first three months: