Monday, September 15, 2008

9-Month Checkup

Miss Sassafrass is officially happy, healthy and wise! She's actually lost weight since she sprints everywhere she goes.
Weight: 21.5 pounds
Height: 28.24 inches

I lost our friendly family wager. I guessed that she was 24 lbs, Richard said 22. He won.

She's officially pacifier free, which didn't go over well at naptime today. Although, she fell straight asleep for me tonight. But, to be fair, I did find a pacifier in her mouth when I checked on her two hours later. She must have stashed a paci under her crib bumpers in preparation for today. I let her keep it - just until our crib rail teething guard comes tomorrow. I have to think of the overall health of the crib. Without the paci, I fear it would look like a beaver attacked it.

We start table food tomorrow, which means she eats what we eat. Sadly, that's bad news for me since I now have to start cooking.

She's ahead of her intelligence milestones - she can consistently say almost 10 words, when she's really only supposed to know about two. That's my girl. A little talker.

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