Monday, August 11, 2008

In Honor of the Olympics

We took Ella Kate to Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta for a fun family outing in relatively nice weather. She was an awesome trooper the whole day. She never fails to amaze me with her ability to handle new situations.

Getting her accustomed to wearing a hat before we left.

Leonard the big-eyed turtle goes everywhere with us!

Ella Kate loved playing with the grass. The only way we could get her to look up was to hold Leonard in the air.

"Daddy, let me go so I can pull up the grass and eat it!"

Mommy trying to steal kisses. EK wanted to play, not smooch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute my little granddaughter looked today!!!!Isn't there a splash fountain to play in at centennial park? She would have loved that.....Love Gigi