Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Meeting Will

Marty and Paige brought their big boy, Will, to meet Ella Kate a few weeks ago. Will wasn't so sure about his Mommy holding another baby, but loved the idea of climbing stairs. He is as cute as ever. I was smitten when we walked outside and he pointed out every bug and crawly thing on the sidewalk. Such a smart kid.

The first meeting. Will wanted to take a picture to remember the moment.

"Mom, hold me. Why is Aunt Allie chasing me with a camera?"

The forced introduction. Ella Kate loved the turtles on Will's jonjon. Will wasn't pleased with baby hands touching him.

Mommy's being silly and trying to get everyone to smile. It didn't work. Please note the look of confusion on Will's face. He thinks he is in a crazyhouse.

"Get me away from this crying baby!"

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Will is so cute! You know I LOVE the Jon-jon.